Query to get item on hand by org wise

Monday, January 25, 2021

How to generate QR Codes through BIP Report

1.Prepare SQL  logic to design QR Code

for example: if I scan my QR code it should have the details about my purchase order & order date

Sample SQL:

'Purchase Order Number: '||pha.segment1||chr(10)||
'Order Date: '||to_char(pha.creation_Date,'MM/dd/yyyy') qr_code,
pha.segment1 po_number,to_char(pha.creation_Date,'MM/dd/yyyy') order_Date from 
po_headers_All pha
order by pha.creation_date desc

2. we need to create  RTF and to convert the XML field to QR code format we need to use the below tag

<?qrcode: <DATA>; <SIZE>[; <CHARSET>]?>
<?qrcode:QR_CODE; 100?>
DATA – Data to be encoded in the QR code format.
SIZE – QR code size dimension in points(pt).
CHARSET – (Optional) Character set for encoding the data. Default is UTF8.

I have data present in the "QR_CODE"  column in the data model and I have given the QR Code SIZE as 100.

I have ignored the CHARSET as it is optional.

3. Create a rtf and upload it to the system as shown below 

4.Run the report and your QR XML field data is converted to "QR Code" format and we can scan the QR Codes.

We can see in the report we have QR Code is generated and those can be scanned by any scan devices 

By above procedure can can generate the QR Codes.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions.

Thank You..

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