Query to get item on hand by org wise

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Query to get Order details along with File level EFF information in Fusion

 The below query is used to get the order and line-level eff information 

SELECT dha.order_number,
       (SELECT DFLE.attribute_char1
        FROM   doo_fulfill_lines_eff_b DFLE,
               doo_fulfill_lines_all DFLA
        WHERE  1 = 1
               AND DFLE.context_code = 'Customer Reference Number'
               AND DFLA.fulfill_line_id = DFLE.fulfill_line_id
               AND DFLA.header_id = dha.header_id
               AND DFLA.line_id = dla.line_id
               AND rownum = 1) customer_reference_number
FROM   doo_headers_all_v dha,
       doo_lines_all dla,
       doo_fulfill_lines_all dfl
WHERE  1 = 1
       AND dha.header_id = dla.header_id
       AND dha.header_id = 100000253187322
       AND dha.change_version_number = (SELECT Max(dha1.change_version_number)
                                        FROM   doo_headers_all_v dha1
           dha1.order_number = dha.order_number
           AND dha1.status_code IN
               ( 'OPEN', 'DOO_DRAFT' )) ----this condition has been used to get latest revision
       AND dfl.header_id = dha.header_id
       AND dfl.line_id = dla.line_id
ORDER  BY dha.order_number,